07866477321 info@amcube.co.uk


Having used a total of five different pressure systems throughout the years, Footwork Pro has been the most useful, stable and clinically beneficial system I have used. Not only does it offer a dynamic assessment for patients, but also an invaluable stabilometry system unlike any other product in its range. This static component has played a major role in my patient assessments not only of foot posture but as an indicator of lower limb asymmetry and poor propriocpetion.

Gafin Morgan

Clinical Lead Podiatrist, Musculoskeletal Services,, Cwm Taf NHS Trust

The FootWork Pro gives all the discreet force data required for clinical practice, with many useful functions for a more in depth analysis and yet is uniquely intuitive to use. Fast processing with excellent graphics and animations, it’s inexpensive, robust and backed up by good customer service.

David Smith

MSc Applied Biomechanics (Distinction)

FootWork has improved the profile of my practice. My patients feel they get added value for money and they love being able to see the information themselves

Helen Morrell

Brighton Podiatry

Recently bought the FootWork force plate – what a great product. It’s been a fantastic way of involving my patients with their feet. They love it and compliance has increased dramatically. Very easy to integrate routinely within practice to monitor high risk patients, the progress of lower limb injuries and core stability improvements. Also very pleased with the level of help received when I’ve needed it – Great value for money
– Thank you very much.

Margaret Chalmers

Podiatrist BSc MChS BTAA Bowen Therapist